Wednesday, 17 December 2014

I Offer a Presidential Candidate for the ANC Women’s League

Sent to The Star, Johannesburg, Wed 17/12/2014 08:42. Published


The ANC Women’s League has reportedly said that it is time for South Africa to have a woman President.

I have just the candidate.

This woman has impeccable anti-Apartheid credentials.  She was a politically active journalist and exposed the Apartheid regime’s false claim that Steve Biko had died as the result of a hunger strike.  She worked for the Black Sash and the End Conscription Campaign, and provided a safe house for anti-Apartheid activists.

She has extensive experience at all three levels of Government: City, Provincial, and in Parliament.  She has been a Mayor, and turned the fortunes of her city around, cutting debt and crime.  She won the 2008 World Mayor award against 820 other candidates.

This woman also has experience in leading a province: She has made it the best-run province in South Africa.

Unlike many figures in government, she has never been implicated in corruption, and she speaks in support of the Constitution at every opportunity.

I urge the ANC Women’s League to throw their support behind this worthy candidate for President: Helen Zille.