Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Christine Qunta's New Racist Agenda

Sent to "The Star, Johannesburg", Wed 04/02/2009 22:02, published February 6, 2009.

Christine Qunta is entitled to her opinion, but some factual errors in her article ("Universities are Colonial Outposts", The Star, Wednesday January 28, 2009) need correcting.

She says that English and Afrikaans are used as mediums of instruction to the exclusion of African Languages.  Ms Qunta, Afrikaans IS an African Language.  If you think it isn't, on which other continent is it spoken?  After which continent is Afrikaans named?

Ms Qunta goes on to say that "every year we see only one or two Africans in the ranks of top performers".  This is wildly wrong.  Almost all the top performing students in South Africa are South Africans, and therefore Africans...  Or does she, like the Apartheid government, think that South Africa is not in Africa?

What Ms Qunta means by "Africans", of course, is "black Africans".  However, to say "black Africans" would be to admit that there might be "white Africans" or even "Arab Africans" too.  Using the term "African" as Qunta does, implies that no other races belong on this continent.

This is the New Racism, the New Apartheid.

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